Case Study

The case study offers an in-depth analysis of a specific situation, project, or problem, detailing its background, challenges, solutions, and outcomes. It provides valuable insights and lessons learned for informing decision-making and problem-solving processes in similar contexts.

Month 1 – Website Audit, Analysis and Report

Technical audit of the site. Manual audit, Google Search Console, Your Report, Ahrefs
What is your web traffic, Bounce rates, Top-performing pages, the most popular keywords shown in Google Search Console
Is there duplicate or hidden content? Is the content free of plagiarism?
Are the Meta tags correctly optimized, do they include primary keywords
Google Search Console errors
Usability – does the web have bullets, lists and tables?
Does it have an online chat?
Is the browsing experience good from a Smartphone?
Does it have a sitemap?
Is the website secure, does it have the SSL protocol configured?
Any strange indexed page?
Broken links (error code 4xx & error code 5xx)
Heading Tags – H1 to H6
Meta descriptions (empty, duplicate, too long, too short)
No crawler is allowed & Only some crawlers allowed
Canonical (URL & tag)
Robots (nofollow & noindex)
Internal and External link structure
Loading speed (GTMetrix, Pageinsights)
JavaScript errors
……………Report and Correction of Errors……….

Keyword and Content Creation
Analysis of the structure and content of the site in terms of the selected keywords. Theoretical development of a new site structure to promote the selected keywords.
Work on the site itself in order to change its structure and content in accordance with the theoretical development.
We Find keyword with Competition (low-medium competition for new websites & medium-high for strong domains)
Right content for every keyword. Distribution of keywords per page. Should we build a different page for each keyword, or target all of them on a single page? Parent topic, Type of page per keyword.
Search intent. Content optimization for the right keywords.
New pages for interesting keyword topics which are not covered yet
A blog/news section
Who are we creating content for – age, gender, profession, interests, values, etc.
Increase brand awareness and introduce your brand to potential customers.
Create interest and desire by teaching potential customers more about their problems and how your product or service can solve them.
Retain customers & build brand loyalty by educating customers on how to get the most out of your product or service and clearly demonstrating its value.
Content for people & Google. Making the content SEO friendly

Month 2: Link building

Once we make sure that current content is structuralized and optimized, it’s time to work on link building.

  • Analysis of the site’s link profile. Disavowing of negative links. The wrong type of links (bad links, toxic links, spam links or unnatural links) can harm your site’s organic performance.
  • Local citations
  • Profile Creations
  • Business Listing Report
  • Blog post
  • Q & A
  • Youtube Video posting and promotion
  • Classified ad posting
  • PDF submission
  • Info graphic submission
  • Sponsored posts on relevant third-party websites.

Month 3: Review and Improvements

A detailed report with all the activities that have been performed. This report outlines the activities conducted during the second month and the results achieved. Based on that we make further plan for third month and take steps accordingly.
Increase website traffic by 30% and grow social media following by 20%. Scale up successful digital marketing strategies and explore new channels for reaching our target audience. Continue to iterate on product improvements based on user feedback and market demands.